Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Nutri Balance Quest! The following terms and conditions govern all of the use and regulations applicable to use of Nutri Balance Quest’s Website.

Your use of the Website is governed by your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with all of these terms, then please do not use Nutri Balance Quest Website.

This Agreement does not transfer to you any intellectual property owned by Nutri Balance Quest or third-parties, and all rights, titles and interests in the content are reserved. All Rights Reserved for SBU Intellectual Properties.

You must not:

  • Reproduce, duplicate or copy material from this Website.
  • Publicly perform and show material from this Website.
  • Redistribute again other than content specifically made for redistribution.
  • Reproduce, duplicate or copy material from this Website.

Some areas of the website provide an opportunity for users to post and exchange data, opinions, information and material that are contained comments in area of the website. Nutribalance Quest reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to suited.

Nutri Balance Quest shall have the right to monitor all comments posted on our blog. Such comments as it deems in its absolute discretion, inappropriate, defamatory or offensive. There are violations of terms, or it is otherwise in a breach these terms and conditions.

If you have any questions about this term and condition, please contact us at nutribalancequest{@}gmail.com.